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Caruso’s Rhodiola 50 Tablets

Caruso’s Rhodiola 50 Tablets

The health benefits of Caruso's Rhodiola come from its natural "adaptogenic" functions. Rhodiola was used traditionally in Russian medicine as an adaptogen to help the body adapt to stressful situations. Adaptogenic herbs promote body adaptation to stress and help the body to cope with environmental stressors.


Caruso’s Rhodiola helps to manage the body’s physiological stress response by promoting physical and mental endurance, capacity and stamina, reducing cognitive fatigue and helping to support mental focus and clarity when faced with stress from sources such as work, study and physical activity.

It also helps to support nervous system health and function, relieving restlessness, irritability, fatigue and sleeplessness due to mild anxiety. Rhodiola can help calm the nerves and support general mental wellbeing.


Caruso’s Rhodiola Health Indications:

  • Relieve nervous tension
  • Support a healthy stress response
  • Relieve symptoms of mild anxiety
  • Decrease mental fatigue
  • Support concentration and focus


Each tablet contains:

Rhodiola rosea (Arctic root) extract equiv. to dry root 375mg
From minimum root dry 937.50mg
 Standardised to Rosavins 11.25mg
 Standardised to Rosavin  7.50mg
 Standardised to Salidrosides  3.75mg

Directions for use:

Adults take 1 tablet daily with food or as advised by your health professional.



Dark green oval shaped tablet

L: 19.7mm
W: 9.7mm
T: 6.9mm


Flavour: None

Note: Suitable for Vegans


Name: Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola)

Rhodiola is a herb that has been used for centuries by the people of northern Asia and Europe – particularly those living in the colder climates, in places such as Mongolia, Siberia, Canada, Alaska and Scandinavia. It grows in the cracks and crevices of rocks and stones in areas of high altitude. The root was chewed on long, cold journeys and throughout the winter months.


  • Always read the label and follow directions for use. If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly, talk to your health professional.
  • Not suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 


  • Take at least two hours away from pharmaceutical medication