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Microshield Hand Rub 500Ml Each

Active ingredients: 70% v/v Ethanol and
0.5% w/v Chlorhexidine Gluconate.

MICROSHIELD® Handrub Solution is used undiluted to rapidly
disinfect the hands. Easy and convenient to use, a popular
choice for those who prefer a liquid alcohol based hand rub.

Available in 125ml and 500mls

  • Kills bacteria without water
  • Broad spectrum, fast acting
  • Enriched with emollient and moisturiser

Application areas

  • Indicated for rapid hand disinfection.
  • Suitable for use before and after every patient contact
    and in between hand washes.

Instructions for use
Use undiluted. Dispense suffi cient MICROSHIELD® Handrub
to thoroughly wet the surface of both hands. Allow to dry
without wiping.
For soiled hands, wash with MICROSHIELD® Skincare Cleanser
or Handwash (or equivalent) before using.

Product data
Contains Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.5% w/v in 70% v/v Ethanol.