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Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb U Calcium Absorption 125 Tablets

Schuessler Tissue Salts Comb U Calcium Absorption 125 Tablets


Comb U calcium absorption tablets by Schuessler Tissue Salts, have 4 minerals that work together to maximise the ability of the bones and teeth to absorb calcium. Also helps with calcium utilisation by the bones and calcium deficiency.


Each tablet contains equal amounts of 6x:

Calc phos (Calcium phosphate)

Calc fluor (Calcium fluoride)

Sillica (Silicon dioxide)

Nat phos (Sodium phosphate)

Usage Directions:

Adults: 1 tablet
Children: 1/2 tablet
Infants:1/4 tablet

Chew tablets or crush and dissolve in water.