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Accu-Chek Safe-T-Pro Plus Lancets Box 200

Accu-Chek Safe-T-Pro Plus Designed for patients. Designed for carers. Their comfort * 3 adjustable depth settings to suit skin thickness for optimal lancing with minimal pain * Precision manufactured, 3-facet needle designed for smooth skin penetration with no tearing injury * High speed needle propulsion completes lancing within just 3 milliseconds Your convenience * One size fits all specially designed construction, adjustable 3 depth settings * Suitable for thick or thin skin, small or large blood volume requirements, adults and children * Saves time no fussy lancet selection or storage issues * Undamaged by shaking, vibrations or dropping from 1m height Their hygiene assured * Designed for single use, no cross contamination * Each depth setting is clicked into place and cannot slip out of position once selected * Needle tip lies deep inside casing injury not possible with correct use * Automatic needle retraction after use eliminates risk of injury and cross contamination Your hygiene assured * Needle safely enclosed before and after skin penetration * Needle tip lies deep inside casing finger stick injury not possible with correct use * Automatic, permanent needle retraction after use for fast and easy disposal * Trigger button resistance firm pressure required for needle to penetrate skin prevents accidental needle fire